I'm curious about this too.

I think it is actually the diarist John Evelyn who describes Reggio as "a
famous musitian etc...".

At least I made a note to that effect in my copy.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Mjos & Larson" <rockype...@earthlink.net>
To: "Jorge Torres" <torr...@lafayette.edu>
Cc: "Vihuela" <vihuela@cs.dartmouth.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2009 8:23 PM
Subject: [VIHUELA] Re: 17th century manuscript


I have been curious about the volume ( US-LAuc MS f. C. 697. M. 4)  since
reading about it in Tyler's "The Guitar and Its Music" (see pp.  122-123
[2007 edition], a brief excerpt of a piece by Barbara Strozzi  in modern
edition is also shown).

Tyler writes that this "remarkable" manuscript bears the signature of
Pietro Reggio and gives a brief describes the content as an anthology  of
Italian vocal music with arias and cantatas by Carissimi, Cavalli,  Rossi,
Strozzi and Lucio. 18 of the 29 items have a vocal line,  figured bass,
and a part in French tab for guitar. There is also a  portion of the
manuscript in a different hand of French dance tunes  and songs (it is not
clear whether this section is for guitar or not).

I would be very interested to see more from this manuscript.

-- R

On Aug 12, 2009, at 1:00 PM, Jorge Torres wrote:

Has anyone worked with this collection who could comment on its
contents, authorship, and accessibility?  Does anyone know if the  work
has been indexed or if has been subjected to any bibliographic  control?
Is there a known film of the manuscript?

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