Thank you so much!


On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 1:49 AM,
<> wrote:
> Ah, at last I can make a contribution! Here is a bit of my introduction to
> "Vacas for Vihuela", a collection of vihuela variations:
> Among Spanish villancico texts of the 15th-16th centuries, probably the best
> known is Guárdame las vacas. To a poem attributed to Crtistóbal de
> Castillejo (1494-1550), this boy-girl song began:
> Guárdame las vacas,
> carillo, y besarte he;
> si no, bésame tú a mí,
> que yo te las guardaré.1
> Since pastoral love poetry was tremendously popular in the Renaissance and
> beyond, it is no wonder that the text found its way into an English
> collection of 1600, translated:
> “I prithee keep my kine for me,
> “Carillo, wilt thou? Tell.”
> “First let me have a kiss of thee,
> And I will keep them well.”2
> ____________________________________________
> 1. Antología poética Crtistóbal de Castillejo, ed. de Rogelio Reyes Cano
> (Madrid: Cátedra, 2004), p. 157.
> 2. England’s Helicon (1600), ascribed to John Bodenham. Modern edition:
> England’s Helicon: A Collection of Lyrical and Pastoral Poems: published in
> 1600, ed. by Arthur H. Bullen (Freeport, NY: Books for Libraries Press,
> 1970(?).
> The translation is, of course, not exact, but you get the idea: a classic
> boy-girl song. There are more verses, but I don't have them handy. You can
> probably find them in the references mentioned above.
> The romance Conde Claros is considerably longer. I can't give you anything
> truly authoritative, but I did find the Spanish in Wikipedia:
> If you have the Google toolbar (free download), you could get a rough
> translation.
> Hope this helps,
> Mike
> ________________________
> Michael Fink, PhD
> ________________________
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On Behalf
> Of David van Ooijen
> Sent: Monday, March 29, 2010 2:44 PM
> To: lutelist Net; Vihuelalist
> Subject: [VIHUELA] lyrics to Guardama las Vacas and Conde Claros
> I know it's a recurring question, with recurring answers, but please
> forgive my inability to work with the archives. And, actually, posing
> the question anew usually brings forth a plethora of additional
> information. So, can some kind soul send me the lyrics (in Spanish,
> and preferably with English translation) of the two songs above found
> as instrumental pieces with de Narváez?
> David - grateful as ever
> --
> *******************************
> David van Ooijen
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David van Ooijen

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