Robert Norris <> writes:

> The way I was thinking would be for whatever 'gpx' like thing was
> loaded or acquired (i.e. TrackWaypoint Layer) , zoom out to a level
> that would show all waypoints and/or trackpoints.  There already is a
> 'vik_trw_layer_find_center' function which knows the bounds of the
> layer, just need some kind of method to convert from bounds to zoom
> level. May have to loop through zoom levels until we find one that
> that's within (vikviewport) view.
> If there's lots of TrackWaypoint Layers (potentially in a .vik file or
> loading *gpx), may want to delay this until the final TrackWaypoint
> Layer is processed.

That all makes sense, and I'll suggest that if there are multiple
TrackWaypoint layers, then if at least one is track only then zoom
should be determined only from tracks, or something like that.

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