Hi all,

Today, a friend of mine come to me and ask: "Is it possible to hack
viking in order to access this Tile Map Service?"
As I have a poor geomatic knowledge, I laugh and replied: "Of course
guy, viking is tile oriented and a simple declarative section is
needed for such stuff".

After a whole day of procrastination, I have to admit it is not so simple.

I discovered there is many way to understand "tile cache" system. The
most funny is that TMS implemented by OSM (and Google) use an origin
at the top of the map, while OSGeo TMS specification considers it at
the bottom. But I also discovered an other difference: OSM (and
Google) consider latitude between -85,xxx and 85,xxx. IMHO, such
difference is really significative for viking. I understand this mean
that OSM (and Google) uses a projection system different than the one
used in the EPSG:4326 (the tile service I'm currently interested in
use this projection).
Am I right?
I think so because, reading some pages on OpenLayers, I found that
OpenLayers have to convert coordinates when using a Google layer and a
EPSG:4326 TMS layer.

As viking handle correctly OSM tiles, if I want to support such
service in viking, I understand I have to add the EPSG:4326 projection
in viking?
And I fear it will not be really easy.

Any information is welcome about this topic. As I said, I do not have
geomatic knowledge.


-=- JID: gu...@im.apinc.org MSN: guilhem_bonnefi...@hotmail.com
-=- mailto:guilhem.bonnefi...@gmail.com
-=- http://nathguil.free.fr/

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