Robert Norris <> writes:

> In order to support Relative Filenames (within primarily Viking files)
> and to (re)opening from where one last opened a file,
> Viking changes it's working directory to the last successfully opened
> directory.

At first glance this sounds broken.

> In the specific use case above, this can be worked around using pwd to
> ensure a full path filename is used e.g.:
> viking `pwd`/ETREX30-archive/2013-10-01\ *

That's a very unusual user interface.  I have never seen another
command-line program that took multiple filenames where each filename
was interpreted relative to the previous directory.
> See commit "SF#3028797: Remember last directory used when saving /
> opening main files." for when this was introduced:
> Perhaps to the best way is mitigate this issue is to only change the
> directory only when opening a .vik file type.

Perhaps the previous-directory behavior should be strictly limited to
the cases where it is documented to do that.  I wonder if there is prior
art in other programs, and if some token in filenames should mean
relative to the .vik file.  But I can see how all filenames that don't
start with / in a .vik file should perhaps be relative to the .vik.

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