Everyone will be pleased to hear that yes v1.7 is imminent.

I have one smaller functional change to test more thoroughly before committing 
(converts the thumbnail image cache from a custom list to a hash table - which 
should give faster lookups and simpler code).

And a couple of fixes to include e.g. something for Github Issue #62 and 
anything else that comes up.

I would request anyone interested to update any translations at: 

I'm away for the next 2 weeks with limited internet access, so will look to 
release on my return the week or so after.

I would also request anyone to look at why 2 of 3 Travis CI builds have started 
failing with my latest patches.
It seems to me that the patches couldn't negatively effect the build, but it's 
with the Travis build environment itself.
For xenial & bionic - they don't seem to automatically get the 'Sources' 
information anymore
Whereas for artful (and the other previous builds) do, e.g.:
"Get:3 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu artful-security/universe Sources [22.3 
which is missing for xenial & bionic

I don't know or what controls that - probably down to the internals of the CI 

Be Seeing You - Rob.
If at first you don't succeed,
then skydiving isn't for you.

From: Guilhem Bonnefille <guilhem.bonnefi...@gmail.com>
Sent: 21 August 2018 08:03
To: viking devel
Subject: [Viking-devel] RFC: Release 1.7

Hi all,

I noticed you plan to release 1.7. Can I help making this version released?

Best regards.
-=- JID: gu...@im.apinc.org MSN: guilhem_bonnefi...@hotmail.com
-=- mailto:guilhem.bonnefi...@gmail.com
-=- http://nathguil.free.fr/

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