Robert Norris <> writes:

>> I am trying to make a minimal update first.
>> I had to disable geoclue and oauth, both listed in the announcement.
>> There was a new requirement for nettle, not explained.  I added
>> --disable-nettle as suggested.
> libnettle is used instead of having a copy of MD5 hash code
> This is used in the thumbnail cache (the cache filename) for images 
> associated with waypoints.
> Some kind of fallback is used when nettle is disabled, but unlikely to 
> integrate well with other programs that use the thumbnail cache.

Thanks.  Maybe it's just me, but it would be nice to have a more
descriptive list of optional dependencies that explains briefly (like
you just did) the consequences of having or not having them.

In the case of nettle it's gmp and "only" 20 MB, and seems to be needed
for a few other things, so it doesn't seem bad to just add it to the
package dep list always.

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