On Thu, 13 Apr 2006 at 9:48am, Charles E Campbell Jr wrote:

> Hari Krishna Dara wrote:
> >I am wondering if we can have netrw set the 'ft' of the buffer to
> >'netrw' at the end of generating the directory listing...
> >
> Its already netrwlist; I named it that quite awhile ago so as to reduce
> the danger that someone
> might move syntax/netrw.vim atop plugin/netrw.vim.  It seems like it'd
> be better for it to simply
> be netrw, so I'll do that.

I didn't see a filetype set at all. See below...

> >Couple of other comments about netrw:
> >- In the vim7 beta2, netrw seems to generate bunch of "1 more line"
> >  messages (I have report=0). Can we put a :silent in front of those
> >  lines that add lines, please?
> >- The "loaded_netrw" variable is set to say "v52", but it will be much
> >  easier to do version checks if it is just a number, such as "52".
> >  I don't see any benefit of prefixing the number with a "v".
> >
> >
> Hmm --- I sent netrw v87 to Bram yesterday, and I've got a v88b that
> I've uploaded to my website.
> That "b", by the way, shows one reason why the version isn't simply a
> number.  Another reason: I
> have scripts that automatically update my website with the latest
> "ASTRO-ONLY" versions of my
> scripts, including updating the release & version number shown on the
> website.  Its safer to have
> that '"v\d\+\a*"' pattern for such automated updating.
> Doing version checks just simply means doing the removal of the leading
> "v" and then comparing.
> (strpart(), substitute(), etc).

It is not a big deal, especially if you have a reason.

> Vim 7 beta2 has a much more recent version of netrw than v58.  Do you
> happen to have an older
> netrw hanging around in your plugin directory?  The newer netrw's work
> better with report=0.

This is exactly the reason, I didn't suspect this at all. I had netrw in
my plugin directory for use with 6.3 Vim. Now, how do I make sure I can
use the same plugin directory for both 6.3 and 7.0? I think the
g:loaded_xxx variable should be different for these two so that we can
control them independently.  Since it took the role of explorer plugin
in 7.0, how about using the loaded_explorer instead of loaded_netrw in
7.0 (unless there is a better solution)?


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