Georg Dahn wrote:

It is debatable whether it's a feature or not: what if I would like to
copy text from the help somewhere else? I can end up in pasting '|'
which I was not expecting. No matter how you see it, you're still hiding
to the user information which is there. Is this good? My answer is "no".

This is nothing new, the highlight 'Ignore' has been there since I started using Vim. If you don't like some characters to be hidden in the help files, feel free to change the highlight, e.g:

hi Ignore guifg=Gray

or whatever color you like.

There is no information being hidden to the user. This is a highlight for characters needed to highlight something correctly which cannot be done without any tricks. These characters are dummy characters only, which the user does not need to and usually does not want to see.

If a user still wants to see these dummy characters, he can do that by changing the highlight. But this makes as much sense as complaining, that Firefox hides the HTML-tags to the user.

And there are even more "dummy characters" that have been hidden from the "completely lost" users. Did you know that a ">" at the end-of-line will cause subsequent indented text get highlighted as
"helpExample -> Comment", but the ">" itself is "Ignore"d?

Wait, there's another: a "<" at the start-of-line will turn the helpExample off. It, too, is "Ignore"d. Check out the effect of a "~" at the end-of-line, too (:he pattern-overview).

Chip Campbell

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