Wojtek Pilorz wrote:

> > > I have build gvim 7.0d on Fedora Core 4 as
> > > 'Big version with GTK2 GUI.'
> > >
> > > I have noticed the following behaviour with multple tab pages (gvim);
> > >
> > > 1. You can switch with Ctrl-Pgup - Ctrl-PgDown when in normal mode;
> > > In insert and replace mode you need to type Ctrl-O Ctrl-Pgup/PgDown
> > > (perhaps should be documented?)
> >
> > It is documented.
> I could not find that, at least in tabpage.txt.
> And I do not think it is obvious.

It's in the same place as where ":tabnext" is explained.

It's not an obvious command, but apparently this is what other
applications use.  The obvious method is to click with the mouse on a
tab label.

> > > 4. Selecting font with Edit/Select Font changes font for all tab pages.
> > > I think it would be very useful to have also an option to have
> > > different fonts (or at least different font sizes) in tab pages.
> >
> > That is not possible, the font is used for everything, also the command
> > line.  The Vim window resizes too.
> >
> OK. Maybe I am spoilt by kde 3.5 konsole, where font and font size is
> local to tab.

KDE uses the Qt library which has all kinds of fancy things.  And these
things generally don't work with other GUI libraries.

> I can agree with that. However, current behaviour with gvim7.0d and
> GTK2 is also not good; if file names are too long so that some tabs do
> not fit on tabline, the active tabpage label is not necessarily
> displayed, switching tabs to those with invisible labels is possible
> only from keyboard.
> In other software I can see that Firefox shorten labels; when mouse
> pointer is placed on such shorten label, full tab title is displayed
> in termporary yellow box (just like description of icons in GTK2 gvim)
> In OpenOffice calc tab labels can be scrolled;
> In kde 3.5 konsole tab labels can also be scrolled.
> I do not have strong opinion whether shortening names should be
> preferred to scrolling.

These are all GUI things.  If you don't like the way GTK uses the tab
labels, go to the GTK library guys.  Vim actually already adds a few
things that they missed, but we re-implementing the whole tabs thing is
probably not a good idea.

> > > 6. It would be useful if switch to previous tab could be activated
> > > with mouse, perhaps Middle button-Click of Shift+left button click?
> >
> > What is the previous tab?
> I meant tab page with number less by one (modulo number of tab pages).
> I just like symmetry (maybe too much ...)

:tabprevious does this.  I don't think it's common enough to use one of
the scarce mouse buttons for this.

> > > Also, next/previous tab in tabline popup menu would be convenient.
> >
> > That is more work than clicking in the tab, doesn't make sense.  For
> > some GUIs and with the console a click right of the tab labels cycles
> > through them.
> Sure. My comment was pehaps motivated by the test with long file
> names, where some tab labels were invisible (and there was no 'right
> of the tab labels' place on tabline)

If some tab labels are out of view, I think the best solution is to have
a menu with the missing ones.  The Firefox bookmark bar has this.
Unfortunately the GUI libraries mostly don't have it.

>From "know your smileys":
 y:-)   Bad toupee

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