Problem:    Make_mvc.mak creates an empty gvim.exe.mnf file (or stops
            with an error message). (Suresh Govindachar)
Solution:   Don't use 'echo' to create files. Use inline files instead.
Files:      src/Make_mvc.mak

*** ..\vim-7.0.000\src\Make_mvc.mak     2006-05-07 16:13:02.000000000 +0200
--- src\Make_mvc.mak    2006-05-22 22:11:29.768449600 +0200
*** 963,1001 ****
  E_CFLAGS = $(E0_CFLAGS:"=\")

  $(PATHDEF_SRC): auto
!       @echo creating $(PATHDEF_SRC)
!       @echo /* pathdef.c */ > $(PATHDEF_SRC)
!       @echo #include "vim.h" >> $(PATHDEF_SRC)
!       @echo char_u *default_vim_dir = (char_u *)"$(VIMRCLOC:\=\\)"; >> 
!       @echo char_u *default_vimruntime_dir = (char_u 
!       @echo char_u *all_cflags = (char_u *)"$(CC:\=\\) $(E_CFLAGS)"; >> 
!       @echo char_u *all_lflags = (char_u *)"$(link:\=\\) $(LINKARGS1:\=\\) 
$(LINKARGS2:\=\\)"; >> $(PATHDEF_SRC)
!       @echo char_u *compiled_user = (char_u *)"$(USERNAME)"; >> $(PATHDEF_SRC)
!       @echo char_u *compiled_sys = (char_u *)"$(USERDOMAIN)"; >> 

  gvim.exe.mnf: auto
!       @echo ^<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?^> >$@
!       @echo ^<assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" 
manifestVersion="1.0"^> >>$@
!       @echo   ^<assemblyIdentity >>$@
!       @echo     processorArchitecture="$(ASSEMBLY_ARCHITECTURE)" >>$@
!       @echo     version="" >>$@
!       @echo     type="win32" >>$@
!       @echo     name="Vim" >>$@
!       @echo   /^> >>$@
!       @echo   ^<description^>Vi Improved - A Text Editor^</description^> >>$@
!       @echo   ^<dependency^> >>$@
!       @echo     ^<dependentAssembly^> >>$@
!       @echo       ^<assemblyIdentity >>$@
!       @echo         type="win32" >>$@
!       @echo         name="Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls" >>$@
!       @echo         version="" >>$@
!       @echo         publicKeyToken="6595b64144ccf1df" >>$@
!       @echo         language="*" >>$@
!       @echo         processorArchitecture="$(ASSEMBLY_ARCHITECTURE)" >>$@
!       @echo       /^> >>$@
!       @echo     ^</dependentAssembly^> >>$@
!       @echo   ^</dependency^> >>$@
!       @echo ^</assembly^> >>$@

        if not exist auto/nul mkdir auto
--- 963,1005 ----
  E_CFLAGS = $(E0_CFLAGS:"=\")

  $(PATHDEF_SRC): auto
!       @echo creating $@
!       @copy << $@
! /* pathdef.c */
! #include "vim.h"
! char_u *default_vim_dir = (char_u *)"$(VIMRCLOC:\=\\)";
! char_u *default_vimruntime_dir = (char_u *)"$(VIMRUNTIMEDIR:\=\\)";
! char_u *all_cflags = (char_u *)"$(CC:\=\\) $(E_CFLAGS)";
! char_u *all_lflags = (char_u *)"$(link:\=\\) $(LINKARGS1:\=\\) 
! char_u *compiled_user = (char_u *)"$(USERNAME)";
! char_u *compiled_sys = (char_u *)"$(USERDOMAIN)";
! <<

  gvim.exe.mnf: auto
!       @copy << $@
! <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
! <assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0">
!  <assemblyIdentity
!    processorArchitecture="$(ASSEMBLY_ARCHITECTURE)"
!    version=""
!    type="win32"
!    name="Vim"
!  />
!  <description>Vi Improved - A Text Editor</description>
!  <dependency>
!    <dependentAssembly>
!      <assemblyIdentity
!        type="win32"
!        name="Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls"
!        version=""
!        publicKeyToken="6595b64144ccf1df"
!        language="*"
!        processorArchitecture="$(ASSEMBLY_ARCHITECTURE)"
!      />
!    </dependentAssembly>
!  </dependency>
! </assembly>
! <<

        if not exist auto/nul mkdir auto

Thanks a lot for the VIM Editor!

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