Hello Bram,

I figured by experimentation that with ':set nochowcmd', 1-line
message up to (&co-1) length does not cause 'Press Enter'. With
':set showcmd', messages longer than (&co-12) cause 'Press Enter'.

When I I first figured it, I thought 'Ah, it makes sense. There is this
reserved area, on the right of bottom line, reserved for showcmd'.

But I looked at this again later, I thought that this looks like a
bug. Here is why.

:set showcmd
:echo repeat('.', &co-1) " get Press Enter" prompt

The long message is not wrapped at (&co-12) !!! If the messages were
wrapped at (&co-12), then it would message become 2-line and then caused
the "Press Enter" naturally. But the message is *not* wrapped before 'showcmd'
area! The message overwrites past columns (&co-12)! The "reserved" area
is *not* reserevd! This makes this artificial "Press Enter" after 1-line
message a bug, I think.  What do you say?

BTW this "Press Enter" after 1-line messages is a hassle for scripte writers.


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