Charles E Campbell Jr wrote:

What is the message about (given on the subject line and here: modified Tv1).
I get it when I'm using tags:

 vi -t "sometag"

Chip Campbell

P.S. I use vim 7.0, patches 1-42, huge debug-build.

Chip Campbell

I don't get that message. Maybe one of your scripts?

On my system, 'vi' invokes Console Vim 6.3.58; 'vim -u NONE -t "sometag"' gives two error messages (no tags file and tag not found), but if I cd to /usr/local/share/vim/vim70/doc and then do 'vim -u NONE -t "-t"' the only message I get is '"starting.txt, 1466 lines, 64803 characters". Without "-u NONE" I get syntax highlighting etc., but nothing unexpected.

I use vim 7.0, patches 1-42, huge version with GTK2-GNOME GUI but when (as above) invoked as "vim" the GUI of course doesn't start.

Best regards,

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