Yakov Lerner wrote:

On 8/7/06, Charles E Campbell Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


What is the message about (given on the subject line and here: modified Tv1).
I get it when I'm using tags:

  vi -t "sometag"

I grepped vim source, and found that strings "" "Tv1" do not
appear in vim sources. Word "modified", at the beginning of the
string/message, only appears in the name of the 'modified' option.

Is it possible that these messages come from the autocommand/plugin ?
(in which case -V20 will expose the source).

My suggestion can be  naive, but does this appear with -u NONE, too ?
Can you attach the tagfile and specific tagname to reproduce it ?

I tried 'vi -t "sometag"' in the vim sources directory, but all I get is
             E426: tag not found: sometag

Well, I should have mentioned that I did a recursive grep for "Tv1" myself,
albeit in my vim/ directory and in my <.vimrc>, and didn't find it. However, your suggestion (let's hear one for brute force!) nailed the culprit: CVSGetLocalStatus(),
from cvscommand.vim.  I don't know why that function is being executed on a
every attempt to jump to a tag (without going through Bob H's code).

Thank you,
Chip Campbell

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