On Sat, Aug 26, 2006 at 01:38:11AM +0200, Stefano Zacchiroli wrote:
> [ Forwarded to vim-dev, as requested by Bram. Consider both the patch
>   and the suggested default change as RFCs ]
> Hi Bram,
>   could you please consider the attached patch for filetype.vim? It
> provides better recognition of 'tex' filetypes against 'plaintex' ones.
> It looks for sectioning commands that are specific to latex (\part,
> \section, \paragraph, ...).
> Also, according to a comment in filetype.vim, the code distinguishing
> between 'tex' and 'plaintex' should default to 'tex', whereas, according
> to these lines:
>     " Default value, may be changed later:
>     let format = exists("g:tex_flavor") ? g:tex_flavor : 'plain'
> I assume it defaults to 'plaintex'. Is there a reason for that or it is
> just a typo? I found the default to 'tex' much more reasonable, as most
> of people write latex these days ...
> What about changing it so that it matches the comment?
> Many thanks in advance,
> Cheers.

     I believe that Bram does not use any version of TeX himself.  I
maintain the plaintex and latex ftplugins, and I suggested the current
detection scheme (after a RFC before vim 7.0 was released).  If the
comments, documentation, and code do not agree, it is probably my fault.

     I do not think there is any reliable way to distinguish between
plain TeX and LaTeX.  After my RFC, I decided to treat plain TeX as the
default, since it is the more basic, even though I agree that LaTeX is
probably far more common now.  I suggest adding

let tex_flavor = "latex"

to your vimrc file.

HTH                                     --Benji Fisher

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