On Thu 5-Oct-06 8:20pm -0600, Peter Hodge wrote:

>> BTW, using
>>     gvim -u NONE -U NONE
>> is both redundant (in the case of -U NONE), dangerous (since
>> default settings may truncate your viminfo on exit), and put
>> you in vi compatible mode.  Better is:
>>     gvim -u NONE -i NONE -N

> I wouldn't think the -i option is necessary, because 'viminfo' is empty by
> default anyway.

The first time you use vim that's true.  So if you are not
planning to use it more than once, you are OK.

    :h viminfo
> Perhaps there should be a shell script distributed with vim so
> that anyone can start up vim cleanly.
>   cleanvim.sh:
>     vim -u NONE -i NONE -N --noplugin --cmd 'set rtp=$VIMRUNTIME' '+set rtp&'
>   cleanvim.bat:
>     gvim.exe -u NONE -i NONE -N --noplugin --cmd "set rtp=$VIMRUNTIME" "+set 
> rtp&"

The '--noplugin' is redundant.

    :h -u
    :h --noplugin

Best regards,

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