On Tue 21-Nov-06 6:10pm -0600, A.J.Mechelynck wrote:

> Bill McCarthy wrote:
>> On Tue 21-Nov-06 4:17pm -0600, you wrote:

>>> oops.
>>> ...sources, I recommend using Unix-format files even on Windows

>> Yes, with perfect 20/20 hindsight, it would be nice if
>> Vim/Gvim were distributed that way.

> Actually, the Dos-format files are supposed to be a "favour" to Dos/Windows
> users. But no one has to use them, since everything is available in Unix
> format too.

Yes, I do consider it a favor to have dos EOLs in source,
text and vim files.  What is more of a curse than a favor,
is having a different file structure.  Since the windows
distribution does not have a runtime directory, we need to
modify patch files manually (actually semi-automatically) to
account for the differences in directory structure.

>> Perhaps Bram's next release (8.0?) could be entirely in unix
>> format - source and text.
>> In the past, many older utilities would choke on unix
>> formats.  That doesn't appear to be much of a problem today
>> - with some noticeable exceptions, like I.E. (which ignores
>> unix EOLs).

> also Notepad, which will see a Unix-format file as a single long line with
> "control characters" (shown as boxes) wherever there is a line-feed. Happily
> we have Vim ;-) when we need to edit text (WordPad also works).

Good point!  It's probably best to keep the dos EOLs.

Best regards,

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