Nikola Knezevic wrote:
is there any vim test suite and where I can find it?

I would like to run the tests on vim compiled from repository, to check is everything is ok.


Install the sources, see

compile Vim, then run "make test". I don't know if it works on Windows.

What is your problem? After I compile Vim, if
        src/vim --version |more (on Unix-like systems)
        src\vim --version |more (on Dos-like systems)

can be run, and shows the correct version, the correct featureset (Normal, Big, Huge, etc.), and the +features dear to me, I usually regard the build as correct (until or unless I come aross a bug), and I "install" the result of the compile to where it will have to run (after closing any Vim process).

You may also want to redirect the output from the (compile) make to a logfile and examine that at leisure. Some warnings are unavoidable, like those for (IIRC) the Perl and Python interfaces.

The current release/patchlevel is 7.0.178.

Best regards,

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