scott wrote:

has anyone else lost the ability to get a menu by entering

:set guioptions+=m

nothing happens

i see

 4: /usr/local/share/vim/vim70/menu.vim

in :scriptnames...

no glaring errors on build (7.0.178)

i build with
export CONF_OPT_GUI='--enable-gnome-check'
in SUSE linux 10.0
I don't have any problems seeing a menu (I'm using Fedora Core 5, vim 7.0.1-178).
For build options, I use

 ./configure --with-features=huge --enable-perlinterp

I commented out my usual guioptions setting (set guioptions=abegmr) and put
your (set guioptions+=m) in instead. So, it appears likely that there's a permission error associated with your being able to use gnome, since it works for you as root.
Hmm, are you sure you're using the same vim as root that you are as a user?
What does
 which vim
say as user and as root?

Why do you need the "enable-gnome-check"?  In Makefile, there's a note:

GNOME means GTK with Gnome support.  If using GTK, then GNOME will
# automatically be used if it is found. If you have GNOME, but do not want to
# use it (e.g., want a GTK-only version), then use --enable-gui=gtk.

so normally if you use GTK then GNOME will automatically be used, too.

Also in the Makefile:

# Uncomment one of these lines if you have that GUI but don't want to use it.
# The automatic check will use another one that can be found
# Gnome is disabled by default, it may cause trouble.
#CONF_OPT_GUI = --enable-gnome-check

which seems to indicate that the --enable-gnome-check is causing GNOME
to be disabled, oddly enough.  No Gnome, no menu.

Chip Campbell

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