On Friday 29 December 2006 10:55, A.J.Mechelynck wrote:
> Charles E Campbell Jr wrote:
> > scott wrote:
> >> has anyone else lost the ability to get a menu by entering
> >>
> >> :set guioptions+=m
> >>
> >> nothing happens
> >>
> >> i see
> >>
> >>  4: /usr/local/share/vim/vim70/menu.vim
> >>
> >> in :scriptnames...
> >>
> >> no glaring errors on build (7.0.178)
> >>
> >> i build with
> >> export CONF_OPT_GUI='--enable-gnome-check'
> >> in SUSE linux 10.0
> >
> > I don't have any problems seeing a menu (I'm using Fedora Core 5, vim
> > 7.0.1-178).
> > For build options, I use
> >
> >  ./configure --with-features=huge --enable-perlinterp
> >
> > I commented out my usual guioptions setting (set guioptions=abegmr) and
> > put your (set guioptions+=m) in instead.  So, it appears likely that
> > there's a permission
> > error associated with your being able to use gnome, since it works for
> > you as root.
> > Hmm, are you sure you're using the same vim as root that you are as a
> > user? What does
> >  which vim
> > say as user and as root?
> >
> > Why do you need the "enable-gnome-check"?  In Makefile, there's a note:
> >
> > GNOME means GTK with Gnome support.  If using GTK, then GNOME will
> > # automatically be used if it is found.  If you have GNOME, but do not
> > want to
> > # use it (e.g., want a GTK-only version), then use --enable-gui=gtk.
> >
> > so normally if you use GTK then GNOME will automatically be used, too.
> That paragraph is outdated. Gnome is now disabled by default. Use
> --enable-gnome-check if you want configure to include it in GTK builds if
> it finds it on your system.
> > Also in the Makefile:
> >
> > # Uncomment one of these lines if you have that GUI but don't want to
> > use it.
> > # The automatic check will use another one that can be found
> > # Gnome is disabled by default, it may cause trouble.
> > ...
> > #CONF_OPT_GUI = --enable-gnome-check
> >
> > which seems to indicate that the --enable-gnome-check is causing GNOME
> > to be disabled, oddly enough.  No Gnome, no menu.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Chip Campbell
> --enable-gnome-check causes Gnome _not_ to be disabled -- provided that you
> have Gnome and GTK, or Gnome2 and GTK2, installed. Without
> --enable-gnome-check, configure doesn't check for Gnome and doesn't include
> it even if you have it installed.
> Best regards,
> Tony.

'which vim' shows as /usr/local/bin for both myself and root -- the :ver text 
indicates the same -- i have no reason to think they are different, and i 
know they both use the same .vimrc and .gvimrc -- the ones on /root are 
symbolic links to the ones on my home path -- further, :scriptnames shows
the same set of scripts loaded for both myself and root (with menu.vim
prominently mentioned)

not sure if it's related, but :ver shows a huge version with GTK2-GNOME
(not GNOME2) -- i still find it weird that i don't get a menu and root does


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