James Vega [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On the other hand, integrating the [conceal] patch would provide a solution for
various itches that I know people want to scratch (mainly to do with
builtin previewing of filetypes like html, tex, etc).  If it were
disabled by default (as I think folding should be), it would allow
people that knew of it to take advantage of the functionality without
causing novice users to wonder what the heck is going on.

FYI the default "conceallevel" is 0, at which no concealment goes on at all.

To recap:

0 - normal operation.

1 - inline folding, each group of concealed chars replaced by a configurable 
    (by default this is a "-" highlighted to look similar to a folded line.

    Mode 1 is most useful for "folding out" applications, since you can always
    see that something has been removed.

2 - hide/replace mode. Concealed chars are hidden completely, unless a 
character has
    been specified for them in the syntax definition. Simple example: in my own
    HTML syntax I have the "&" sequence folded and replaced with "&".

    Mode 2 is the most useful for "smart" TeX and HTML etc editing, as it has
    the cleanest look.

3 - hide mode. Concealed chars are always hidden completely. This is only there 
    completeness, I would imagine option 2 is always the more useful. 


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