Shotaro Aoyama wrote:

> Here is a small patch for specifying a window in which vim opens
> an error when you hit ENTER in a quickfix window.
> With this patch, you may hit "3<CR>" in the quickfix window,
> then the selected error is displayed in the window #3.
> Often I face a situation that I want to display an error,
> but don't want to hide a buffer in the above window
> or open a new window and break window layout.
> I think this feature would be helpful in such time.
> What do you people think about this?

Thanks for making this patch.  It looks useful.

I think it would be good to add some error handling: what if the number
entered is out of range for the number of windows?

One problem: when the count is not given it should still use ".cc" and
".ll" as before.

Every engineer dreams about saving the universe and having sex with aliens.
This is much more glamorous than the real life of an engineer, which consists
of hiding from the universe and having sex without the participation of other
life forms.                     (Scott Adams - The Dilbert principle)

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