On 1/8/07, Trenton Schulz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Jan 8, 2007, at 12:39 PM, Martin Stubenschrott wrote:

> Would you also vote for changing the console style dialogs? I mean,
> console users are normally used to press y or n, when answering these
> kind of questions.

Well, don't you do that by typing :wq/:wq! or ZZ or whatever? Most of
the other "dialogs" on the console version don't ask yes/no questions
as far as I have encountered. I think it is a non-issue for the
console version...

% vim
 :set confirm
 iHello, Vim!<Esc>
 Save changes to "Untitled"?
 [Y]es, (N)o, (C)ancel:

Sure, [S]ave, (D)iscard, (C)ancel would work - and is better, as it
better describes what would happen - but I'd venture so far as to say
that 'Y', 'N' are so deeply engrained in peoples minds by now that it
would be very irritating to have to hit 'S' or 'D' instead.  I know I
would be annoyed.  Still, perhaps it makes sense to change these as
well. And one could allow the user to type 'Y' or 'N' with the old
behavior as well.


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