Hi Mike

Thanks a lot for your patch. If the appropriate compiler options are
applied to VC8, the make_mvc.mak script emits much less warning
messages, and probably the created binary is better optimised in
some manner.

Alas, your patch doesn't work on my machine for three reasons:

1) I use VCExpress version to build vim. This is VC8, but there is
   no SDK. So I also downloaded the Windows Server 2003 R2 Platform
   SDK. This SDK was the newest when I downloaded it. Alas it comes
   with nmake version 7.00.xyz. So I have to use nmake 7.00.xyz to
   control VC8.

   Solution: make_mvc.mak should not estimate the version of the
   nmake utility, but of the compiler that is used. This is a little
   bit difficult, but since version 7.0 of the VC toolset there
   exists a environment variable MSVCVer which IMHO should be used
   when it is defined.

2) The nmake utility that comes with the Windows Server 2003 R2
   Platform SDK has the version 7.00.8882. This is none of the
   versions that your patch is made for.

   Solution: This version should be added to the list of versions
   as long a s this list is maintained. Another problem: I have
   heart of a VC 7.1. But I don't know with which exact version
   number the related nmake tool comes. So it is doubtful if the
   version list should be maintained at all, or if one should better
   relay on the environment variable MSVCVer that can in case of
   need be defined manually by the user.

3) Your patch uses the operators >, <, >= and <= to compare version
   numbers. With my nmake-7.00.8882 this doesn't work, even if I
   omit the quotes around the numbers and the macros.

   Solution: It's a pity, but one has to work with == and !=.

I have applied all the solutions mentioned above (by keeping to
maintain the list of nmake versions) and can now build vim
successfully. (To be honest: I HAVE to apply other patches too that
I once have mailed to this list but seemed to have been ignored?).

Best regards and thanks again for this patch

Mathias Michaelis
Patch U010  Written by Mike Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
            and Mathias Michaelis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Problem:    VC8 no longer supports the /Gn processor code generation
            directive, and the makefile now uses link time code
            generation when not optimizing for space with an error
Solution:   Check version of the visual tool set and, if version is
            8.0, use VC8 specific optimization options.
Files:      src/Make_mvc.mak

*** ..\vim-7.0.000\src\Make_mvc.mak     2006-04-26 12:30:22.000000000 +0200
--- src\Make_mvc.mak    2007-01-20 12:33:37.088265600 +0100
*** 320,326 ****
--- 320,354 ----
+ # Derive version of VC being used
+ !ifndef MSVCVER
+ !if "$(_NMAKE_VER)" == ""
+ MSVCVER = 4.0
+ !endif
+ !if "$(_NMAKE_VER)" == "162"
+ MSVCVER = 5.0
+ !endif
+ !if "$(_NMAKE_VER)" == "6.00.8168.0"
+ MSVCVER = 6.0
+ !endif
+ !if "$(_NMAKE_VER)" == "7.00.9466"
+ MSVCVER = 7.0
+ !endif
+ !if "$(_NMAKE_VER)" == "7.00.8882"
+ MSVCVER = 7.0
+ !endif
+ !if "$(_NMAKE_VER)" == "8.00.50727.42"
+ MSVCVER = 8.0
+ !endif
+ !endif
+ # Default to VC6 (arbitrarily) if unknown
+ !ifndef MSVCVER
+ MSVCVER = 6.0
+ !endif
  # Convert processor ID to MVC-compatible number
+ !if "$(MSVCVER)" != "8.0"
  !if "$(CPUNR)" == "i386"
  CPUARG = /G3
  !elseif "$(CPUNR)" == "i486"
*** 334,339 ****
--- 362,373 ----
+ !else
+ # VC8 only allows specifying SSE architecture
+ !if "$(CPUNR)" == "pentium4"
+ CPUARG = /arch:SSE2
+ !endif
+ !endif
  !ifdef NODEBUG
  VIM = vim
*** 344,349 ****
--- 378,389 ----
  !else # MAXSPEED
+ !if "$(MSVCVER)" == "8.0"
+ # Use link time code generation if not worried about size
+ !if "$(OPTIMIZE)" != "SPACE"
+ !endif
+ !endif
  RCFLAGS = $(rcflags) $(rcvars) -DNDEBUG
  ! ifdef USE_MSVCRT
*** 363,369 ****
  RCFLAGS = $(rcflags) $(rcvars) -D_DEBUG -DDEBUG
  # The /fixed:no is needed for Quantify. Assume not 4.? as unsupported in 
! ! if "$(_NMAKE_VER)" == ""
  LIBC =
  ! else
  LIBC = /fixed:no
--- 403,409 ----
  RCFLAGS = $(rcflags) $(rcvars) -D_DEBUG -DDEBUG
  # The /fixed:no is needed for Quantify. Assume not 4.? as unsupported in 
! ! if "$(MSVCVER)" == "4.0"
  LIBC =
  ! else
  LIBC = /fixed:no
*** 707,712 ****
--- 747,761 ----
                $(MZSCHEME_LIB) $(PERL_LIB) $(PYTHON_LIB) $(RUBY_LIB) \
                $(TCL_LIB) $(NETBEANS_LIB) $(XPM_LIB) $(LINK_PDB)
+ # Report link time code generation progress if used. 
+ !ifdef NODEBUG
+ !if "$(MSVCVER)" == "8.0"
+ !if "$(OPTIMIZE)" != "SPACE"
+ !endif
+ !endif
+ !endif
  all:  $(VIM).exe vimrun.exe install.exe uninstal.exe xxd/xxd.exe \
*** 795,801 ****
  # Create a default rule for transforming .c files to .obj files in $(OUTDIR)
  # Batch compilation is supported by nmake 1.62 (part of VS 5.0) and later)
! !IF "$(_NMAKE_VER)" == ""
--- 844,850 ----
  # Create a default rule for transforming .c files to .obj files in $(OUTDIR)
  # Batch compilation is supported by nmake 1.62 (part of VS 5.0) and later)
! !IF "$(MSVCVER)" == "4.0"
*** 804,810 ****
  # Create a default rule for transforming .cpp files to .obj files in $(OUTDIR)
  # Batch compilation is supported by nmake 1.62 (part of VS 5.0) and later)
! !IF "$(_NMAKE_VER)" == ""
--- 853,859 ----
  # Create a default rule for transforming .cpp files to .obj files in $(OUTDIR)
  # Batch compilation is supported by nmake 1.62 (part of VS 5.0) and later)
! !IF "$(MSVCVER)" == "4.0"

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