When cycling through matches using ":cnext", if there are several matches in a single long line, the line is only shortened the first time (but _not_ the 2nd, 3rd, etc.,) to avoid a Hit-Enter prompt.

Reproducible: every time.

Steps to reproduce:
1. :set wrap " I'm not sure this is necessary
2. :vimgrep /pattern/g filename
- "filename" is a file or files with a number of lines longer than 'cmdheight' times 'columns'
- /pattern/ will happen more than once in some long lines
3. :cn
4. Go to step 3.

Notice that the first match in any given line never produces a Hit-enter prompt. Too-long lines have part of their non-matching text replaced by "...".

Actual result: 2nd, 3rd, etc. matches in any given line produces a Hit-enter prompt; the line is displayed in full, overflowing the command-line.

Expected result: No hit-enter prompts.

Additional info: I've been seeing this for as long as I've used ":vimgrep" (i.e., since shortly after that command was introduced) and I'm still seeing it in gvim 7.0.201. I just never came around to report it. (I didn't use the quickfix commands much before :vimgrep appeared, except for :helpgrep where lines are shorter than 80 characters.)

Best regards,
I'm going to Boston to see my doctor.  He's a very sick man.
                -- Fred Allen

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