On 5/7/07, A.J.Mechelynck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
François Pinard wrote:
> [Martin Krischik]
>>> [Martin Krischik]
>>> > That is probalby because the svn server is a mess.
>             [probably]
>> Only the vim svn archive has no space for tags, braches or releases.
>                                                 [branches]
> It is not a mess, merely being different.  If there is ever a _real_
> need for another organisation of the Subversion repository for Vim, we
> can be fairly confident that it will be addressed.
> But now, the Subversion repository mirrors a non-Subversion one, this is
> for users convenience, and that's very nice already.  Bram currently
> does not use Subversion for Vim development, so there is no point
> pretending that he does.  If Bram was using Subversion, he might feel
> like changing things.  But even then, the needs would mainly be Bram's!
>> But you can do valuable service and still do it wrong [...]
> Once again, being different does not imply being wrong.  We should not
> be overly dogmatic in such matters.  If the download recipes are clear
> and work as expected, the repository fills its role.

Anyway, if the code mirrored on that svn server belongs only to the 7.0
(release) code tree, there are no branches, since every patchlevel comes
linearly on top on the one before, and there is one set of files applicable to
all platforms and featuresets.

_If_ there comes a 7.0.244, _and_ it branches out from 7.0.243 away from
7.1a.000 and 7.1a.001, _and_ both 7.0 and 7.1a are further mirrored on svn,
_then_ there will maybe be a reason to define a branch point. But not before.

Bram won't make such branches. He always commit patches linearly. If
he one day can finally realize that how valuable the branches are,
we'll create the tags and branches directories in the svn directory
right away. It only costs a few commands. :-)

Best regards,
Speer's 1st Law of Proofreading:
        The visibility of an error is inversely proportional to the
number of times you have looked at it.

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