On 4/16/06, Gerald Lai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, 16 Apr 2006, Mikolaj Machowski wrote:
> > Dnia niedziela, 16 kwietnia 2006 14:46, Georg Dahn napisa³:
> >>> That's it, thanks. 'showbreak'.
> >>
> >> Is there a possibility that wrapping respects indentation? That is, that
> >> the wrapped text starts exactly at the actual indentation? I have not
> >> found an option for that, but this would be a fine feature. Or can
> [snip]
> So does this mean that an extremely long line that begins with an indent
> close to the right side of the window will "squeeze" the entire buffer
> into a couple of letters per line, if 'wrap' is set? :)

If somebody's indent is close to the right side of the window,
this is inconvenient situation to begin with, and has no
relation to 'showbreak'.

Or, as Linus said it: "If you need more than 3 levels of indentation,
you're screwed anyway, and should fix your program." :-)  [the
smile is mine, not Linus's]

Lately, I keep my terminal at 120+ columns and tabwidth at 4,
so I'm on the safe side. I'd definitely use the programmable/
autoindentable showbreak.


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