From: Gary Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: TERM setting under Gentoo Linux
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 21:39:16 -0700

> On 2006-04-21, Meino Christian Cramer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi Gary,
> > 
> >  one question remains -- I thought it has something to do with the
> >  (previously) limited number of colors of my TERM settings...but...
> > 
> >  "desert" is described as "dark color scheme".
> > 
> >  When I start vim (NOT gvim -- I am more commandline related ;) on 
> >  a mrxvt (terminal a la xterm), which has a black background set per
> >  default and then load "desert" either via vimrc or by hand everthing
> >  looks nice.
> > 
> >  But when I do the same on a "not inverted" mrxvt (black characters on
> >  white background - the default) the "desert" colors came out rather
> >  unreadable (some keywords are highlighted bright yellow on white 
> >  background.... :/ ) -- the background does not change to black.
> > 
> >  In the head of the desert.vim file I found:
> >  set background=dark
> > 
> >  Since desert.vim not only defines color settings for "gui*" but also
> >  for "cterm*" I think it should work on both.
> > 
> >  Since desert.vim is rated on very high, I think the problem is on
> >  my side anywhere ...  ;O)
> > 
> >  I set TERM to xterm-256color now and checked with infocmp, that there
> >  are really 256 colors.
> > 
> >  What did I wrong so badly here ?
> I don't know very much about color schemes, so I don't know if I can 
> be of much further help.  I use vim in a 16-color xterm almost 
> exclusively, with white text on a black background.
> That being said, I think the problem is that desert.vim assumes that 
> the color terminal is already set for light text on a dark 
> background.  Notice that Normal is defined for the GUI but not for 
> the color terminal.
> Referring to
>     :help 'bg'
>     :help hi-normal-cterm
> I think it may be sufficient to put this in your ~/.vimrc before you 
> set the color scheme to desert:
>     hi Normal ctermfg=White ctermbg=grey20
> Regards,
> Gary
> -- 
> Gary Johnson                 | Agilent Technologies
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]     | Wireless Division
>                              | Spokane, Washington, USA

Hi Gary,


 That's it !!! It reveals some other wholes in the definition of
 desert.vim, but I will see...

 Thanks a lot again!
 Have a nice weekend!

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