Thus spake Gary Johnson on Sun, Apr 30, 2006 at 11:18:00PM -0700 or 
thereabouts: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-05-01 02:38]:
> On 2006-05-01, cga2000 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [...]
> > Now, after doing the above a number of times I began to think there must
> > be a better way to handle this type of situation:
> > 
> > 1. When I end up with (4) above, is there a better strategy than using
> >    'J' to join line #2 and line #3 .. something that would take me
> >    directly from (4) to (9) .. hit 'A' and since the cursor would now
> >    be to the left of col. 72, continue entering my text and benefit 
> >    from the wrap feature automatically?
> Yep.  See
>     :help gq
>     :help 25.1
> You can easily reformat the paragraph the cursor is currently in by 
> typing this in normal mode:
>     gqip


tried this very rapidly and works great - c. 2:45 AM, so I'll have to
dig into this - and read the doc - tomorrow.. later today, I mean..

> > 2. More generally, is there a command - or sequence of commands - that 
> >    would let me reformat a paragraph to take care of any line that goes
> >    beyond the limit set via the textwidth option?
> There are two approaches to this:  manual and automatic.  I 
> mentioned the manual technique above.  You can also add the 'a' and 
> 'w' flags to 'formatoptions' and have vim automatically reflow your 
> text as you type.
>     set fo+=aw
> As nice as this sounds, it has its limitations and can sometimes be 
> really infuriating.  It works well enough that I have my mail.vim 
> plugin enable it, but I also have a command to disable it when it 
> gets in the way.
> HTH,

You bet..!

Thank you very much,


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