Thus spake Eric Arnold on Mon, May 01, 2006 at 12:19:41AM -0600 or thereabouts: 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-05-01 02:38]:
> Do you have these set?
> setlocal formatoptions+=bcroqan2t     " better without w
> setlocal linebreak

Not that I know of. 

I tried: 

:set ?formatoptions
:set ?formatoptions+
:setlocal ?formatoptions .. etc.

and vim didn't seem to like it..

I then did a


and formatoptions is apparently set to:


.. looks very different from what you have above?

I'll look into it further later today since it's really getting late.

btw, is there any way I can direct vim to write the output of a query
such as ':set' or ':ve' directly to the buffer? That would come in
handy when someone asks me for more info as to how my system is



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