When I connect using the built-in WinXP/Win2k telnet
client I am able to get color in vim console sessions
without any problems, and everything seems to be working
very well.

Except for one (minor) annoyance -- every time I press
enter in insert mode I get two line-fees (as if it was
pressed twice).

I suspect this is a telnet thing...that you have CR<->CR/LF translation enabled for the connection; that your telnet software is doing a translation of your single CR into a CR/LF which gets passed to vim.

If this is the case, I might expect to see this in other places too during your telnet session...such as, at the command line, when you type

c:\>[not pressing enter here, but geting an empty prompt as if you did]

You might have to look for an option hiding somewhere in your telnet app or telnet server regarding how it handles CR<->CR/LF translation and disable it for the connection.

Another vimternal (vim+internal?) solution might be to map <c-j> to <nop>, assuming Vim distinguishes between a ^M (what you want) and a ^J (what telnet seems to be inserting).

        :inoremap <c-j> <nop>

I'd then check your mappings to see if it properly distinguishes between them, or if it's changed it to

        <cr> <nop>

behind the scenes.

Just a few ideas,


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