> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: Hari Krishna Dara [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2006 10:06 PM
> > > To: Benjamin Reitzammer
> > > Cc: Benjamin Reitzammer; vim@vim.org
> > > Subject: lookupfile.vim (WAS Re: fast file opening / find file as 
> > > you type)
> >
> > I tried it, it didn't work as expected so I read the instructions!!
> Can you tell me what happened? I forgot to recognize the 
> dependency on genutils, but I hope you have it installed, so 
> I wonder whatelse the problem could be. Did you have the 
> window open and were you able to start typing the pattern? 
> With my regular huge tags file, it takes forever to find 
> matches, but if you create a specialized tags file, it is very fast.
> >
> > Anyway since I didn't do this:
> >     find . -print | sort | awk '{printf "%s\t%s\t1\n", $0, $0;}' > 
> > filenametag
> Did it not work even after that?
> >
> > If the tagfile isn't specified, what about generating the 
> contents for 
> > the completion window from the globpath using either $PATH or &path?
> >
> > In my case, &path is the default of '.,,', but I set it using:
> > :let &path=substitute($PATH, ';', ',', 'g')
> >
> > Then I hit <F5>.
> >
> > What do you think?
> Are you talking about running globpath()? This is possible, 
> but won't recognize path entries with "**" etc.. I will try 
> this out and see how it works out.

Bit of a non-specific bug report, sorry.

When I press F5, the little window opens.
Except it will always be empty since I don't have any tag files.

I was hoping for some configuration items.

1.  Check if any tags are available
2.  If not, check if &path is useful
3.  If not, use $PATH (convert format where appropriate).

Or allow me to specify this from within my vimrc.

> Are you talking about running globpath()? This is possible, 
> but won't recognize path entries with "**" etc.. I will try 
> this out and see how it works out.

I thought this changed in Vim7.


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