On Thu, May 18, 2006 at 12:27:26PM +0000, Yakov Lerner wrote:
> I am using incsearch. I wanted to define 2 mappings that
> act while I am in /search pattern editing mode,
> and that take me to next/prev match
> while leaving the cursor in /pattern commandline.
> Is it possible ?
> Yakov

     If you only use / and not ? then

:cmap <C-N> <CR>/<Up>
:cmap <C-P> <C-C>N/<Up>

should work.  If you want it to work with both / and ?, you have to work
a little harder.  Try this:

cmap <C-N> <C-R>=Next()<CR><Plug>Next
fun! Next()
  if getcmdtype() == "/"
    cmap <Plug>Next <CR>/<up>
  elseif getcmdtype() == "?"
    cmap <Plug>Next <CR>NN?<Up>
    cmap <Plug>Next <Nop>
  return ""

The other direction is left as an exercise.

HTH                                     --Benji Fisher

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