On 5/18/06, Yakov Lerner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 5/18/06, Eric Arnold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I''ve been chasing this for a while, so I might as well ask, even
> though it seems like a stupid question.  What's the right way to clear
> the command line between echo blocks in a script, without causing a
> full screen redraw?
> Everything I try eventually fails when the command line has been
> scrolled/grown upwards by output longer than cmdheight.  I can't see
> the exact rule, since some things like:
>     echo :<CR>
>     normal :
> etc., come close, but no cigar.

When output was longer than cmdheight, if you look at the sceen
contents and the statusline in this situation, you'll
see it's shifted upward in a manner that never
happens during editing, essentially screen is corrupted. That's why
I think redraw is the only way out of this.


That's true in some, but not all cases, which is what gives me any
hope.  For example,

                let &cmdheight = 1
                exe "normal :echo\<cr>"
                let &cmdheight = s:tmp_cmdheight

works when the statusbar has been pushed up a small number of lines.
It seems to know how to recover without a full redraw.  If it gets
pushed up even more, then it fails to clear.

The command also doesn't reflect the pushed position of the
statusline, so there's no way to put a case for it in the script that

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