On Thu, 18 May 2006, John Love-Jensen wrote:

Hi Eddine,

Is it possible to make a vertical selection in a text, to have a
rectangular selection in the text ?
If so, how ?

Yes, you are looking for the Visual mode blockwise.

^V to initiate Visual mode blockwise.

Use movement keys to get to where you want the block to span.

Use y (yank) or x (cut) to put the block into the register (as a block)

Use p (put) to insert the register (as a block) into the buffer

For more info...

:help CTRL-V
:help '<
:help '>

There are probably a zillion variants and tricks with Visual mode blockwise.
I find that these simple ones suffice for all my needs.

One more extremely useful thing to do in Visual Block mode is to hit "I"
or "A" (capital) to insert/append the same text for all the lines that
have been selected.


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