On 5/18/06, Scot P. Floess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have been looking through the documentation on vim (yes I even tried
using :h tabline) in an attempt to always list the full path in my
tabs.  I can't see what option I need to enable so that the full path
displays.  Presently if I edit a file that exists in a rather long path,
I see abbreviations in the path names (like /h/v/s/foo.bar).

What do I need to do to enable?

Thanks...and if this is in the documentation and I overlooked it...sorry
- I will deserve the RTFM comments ;)  In all seriousness I probably
spent a good hour looking...just want the answer now :)

I've also failed to find that, but I want the opposite. I only want to
see file names, no abbreviated directory paths. I've been there's a
plug-in to let you do this, but it only works if you use the non-GUI
version. I prefer to use the GUI version.

R. Mark Volkmann
Object Computing, Inc.

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