Bob Hiestand wrote:

 My question is whether there is a simpler way to pass an unknown
number of arguments from the current function to a function which
accepts a variable-length list of arguments.

Does the following do what you wish:

" ----------------------------------
fun! AFunc(...)
 exe "call BFunc(".string(a:000).")"

" ----------------------------------
fun! BFunc(...)
 echomsg "a:0=".a:0
 echomsg "a:000<".string(a:000).">"

" ----------------------------------
echomsg 'AFunc(1):'
call AFunc(1)

echomsg 'AFunc(1,"a"):'
call AFunc(1,"a")

echomsg 'AFunc(1,"a",b):'
let b="BBB"
call AFunc(1,"a",b)

Chip Campbell

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