On Sun, Jun 04, 2006 at 02:47:48PM EDT, Yegappan Lakshmanan wrote:
> Hi,
> On 6/4/06, cga2000 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Is there any way the "tilde lines" that represent empty lines at the end
> >of the buffer can be changed to something else or removed altogether?
> >
> AFAIK, you cannot remove/hide the tilde lines. You can change the
> highlighting used for the tilde lines using the NonText highlight
> group.
.. for some reason I find them annoying.. :-)

.. tried setting NonText "ctermfg=black ctermbg=black" and they were
still visible

> >
> >Is there any was the "statusline" can be displayed systematically? As
> >far as I can tell it only materializes when I split the display.
> >
> You can set the 'laststatus' option to 2 to always display the status line:
>    set laststatus=2
great, thanks. I don't like stuff like that to change while I'm editing.
> >
> >Is there any way I can have the contents of a buffer displayed a couple
> >of columns to the right of the (sub)window's border? I currently specify
> >"set foldcolumn=" but that doesn't appeear to be what it was meant for
> >so I was wondering whether there might be a better way.
> >
> >Is there any way I can have vim display the hex contents of a buffer? I
> >currently do a "ggVG :!od -t x1z -w32" followed by "u" to revert back to
> >a regular view but maybe there is a more straightforward way to achieve
> >the same result.
> >
> You can use the xxd tool shipped with Vim to convert a file to hex format
> and back.

definitely more straightforward if you take xxd's defaults. I'll switch
to that.
> - Yegappan



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