On Sun, Jun 04, 2006 at 02:57:56PM EDT, A.J.Mechelynck wrote:
> cga2000 wrote:
> >I occasionally need a quick printout of what I am currently editing and
> >use the :ha command. I was wondering whether there was any way I could
> >switch to a different printer font or choose a smaller font size.
> >
> >I doubt this is relevant but just in case I'll mention that I use vim on
> >an xterm and cups for print jobs. As to the printer it is an HP Laserjet
> >with embedded postscript.
> >
> >Thanks,
> >
> >cga
> >
> >
> >  
> The Vim documentation's well-known needle-and-haystack problem again.

very frustrating this particular time.. I only had to page up once from
where I was (*printoptions*) to find it.. 

> See
>    :help 'printfont'
>    :help pfn-option

This last one does not work in my version of vim. :help pfn does..
> You could have found the latter from the former, which you could have 
> found by means of
>    :help 'print<Tab>
> using :set nocompatible wildmenu

starting using wildmenu yesterday.. nicer than ":h print+<Ctrl-D>"

need to get used to it.

Also, I found a vim plugin that provides a printoptions menu -
prtdialog.vim - so you only need to remember the command to start it
but I don't know if it's my setup or what.. I can't get it to work.

You're supposed to type <Leader>pd to activate the menu but vim keeps
telling me that "modifiable is off" each time I issue a \pd against
anything like a vim help file.. a man page.. etc. Not very useful.

> HTH,
> Tony.



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