Thanks Eric.  I don't know that I explained myself that well - if the code is 
foo.o : foo.c
<tab>  the command to build foo.o starts here but \
<spaces>  the command is long

then vim's syntax highlighting will flag an error if the backslash is lost, 
because this is invalid:
foo.o : foo.c
<tab>  the command to build foo.o starts here but 
<spaces>  the command is long

But if the indenting is as vim encourages, like this:
foo.o : foo.c
<tab>  the command to build foo.o starts here but \
<tab>  the command is long

then vim syntax highlighting won't spot the problem of a lost backslash in this:
foo.o : foo.c
<tab>  the command to build foo.o starts here but
<tab>  the command is long

Hence my preference for the former.

Another alternative might be to enable expandtab (to get the spaces) and enter 
the tab characters explicitly - is there any easy way of inserting a tab 
character when expandtab is enabled?

On Friday 16 June 2006 16:45, Eric Arnold wrote:
> If you want to flag errors, why not use highlighting?  Actually, the
> makefile syntax I'm seeing already highlights correct backslashes.
> So, in general, you know there is an error if the code/text isn't
> colored right.
> I don't see a way to tell Vim to indent with tabs sometimes and not others.
> On 6/15/06, John Orr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm currently implementing a make system with GNU Make and have been trying 
> > for a while to work out how to get the indentation working as I would like 
> > it to.
> >
> > I believe it is reasonably standard when editing makefiles to
> > set noexpandtab
> > such that tabs are inserted when you start the commands under a rule, and 
> > that's great.
> >
> > My problem is when you have long command lines and wish to use line 
> > continuation, with the following formatting:
> > foo.o : foo.c
> > <tab>  the command to build foo.o starts here but \
> > <spaces>  because the command is long it uses \
> > <spaces>  line continuation for readability \
> > <spaces>  and it finally ends here
> >
> > Note - the command starts with a tab as it must, but the continuation lines 
> > are instead indented with spaces.  Why?  Because if you forget a backslash 
> > requesting line continuation - or if you accidentally get a space after one 
> > (which also breaks line continuation), then by using spaces for 
> > indentation, both make, and vim, will draw your attention to it.
> >
> > My problem - how does one get vim to do this kind of indentation?
> >
> > Admittedly I'm only using vim 6.3, but the return value of the indentexpr 
> > is a number, representing a number of spaces.  Your 'expandtab' setting, in 
> > combination with shiftwidths etc, seems to dictate whether that number of 
> > spaces is inserted as spaces or tabs (or tabs plus spaces).
> >
> > Any suggestions on how to achieve my goal?  (Or, alternatively, any reasons 
> > why my goal is illogical and shouldn't be the standard way that vim works 
> > with Makefiles?)
> >
> > The simplest I could imagine would be if the indentexpr function could 
> > return either a number of spaces as today, or a string consisting of the 
> > actual indentation characters required - but I'd rather not go hacking vim.
> >
> > Thanks very much,
> > John
> >

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