On Mon, 19 Jun 2006, Sushmit Khanna wrote:

I was initially having some problems with backspace key, specially
in insert mode. In insert mode I was getting the ^? signs when
backspace is pressed. This got fixed by :fixdel
 Now the issue is that the backspace is not deleting chars *before*
the cursor, but after the ones after it, be it insert mode or command
 :help backspace was not helpful in this matter.

 Can you help me in this getting around this.
 My $TERM in shell is set as xterm (correctly). And stty erase is
also correct (which should not matter if fixdel has been invoked)

Have you tried what was described in

  :help :fixdel

? That is,

  if &term == "xterm"
    set t_kb=^V<BS>

where ^V<BS> is Ctrl-v + Backspace.


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