Hi Tom,

I know you're probably sick of suggestions by now, but I have also spent
a lot of time in the same boat as you.

No, no, not sick of suggestions at all, getting suggestions was part of the reason I posted.

In the end, I determined that
the built-in file browser for vim (even in vim 7) doesn't work very well
as a "file browser window" like you displayed in your blog.

For me, a very good solution to your needs it the Project plugin:


There's a slight learning curve to use it, but it has the following

* You don't have to type some funky command to open a file in the "edit"
window.  You just move your cursor over the file name and hit return.
* You can explicitly specify the pwd of a list of files, even if those
files are in different directories.  This can be very useful.
* You can define which files are present in the Project window in an
arbitrary way.
* This basically gives you a project-based view of your files, similar
to what you would see in an IDE like Eclipse.
* Just trust me when I say that it's a terribly useful and robust plugin
enables you to do exactly what you want :)

If you would like to see a screenshot of what my setup looks like, then
check out the following:

* <http://static.flickr.com/61/171982939_c636495ffc.jpg?v=0>

Good luck, and have fun learning about what you can do with Vim

Thanks for that run through. I had looked at it on vim.org and I used to work with something similar in jEdit. For now I'm going to try out the method of using :Ex (and :find now thanks to Suresh) where needed and see how I go with that.

Textmate, that I mentioned, also works on a Project basis and my only qualms about that approach is that I'm often jumping between projects ...eg I may open a file from one project to use in another and so on.


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