Marc Weber wrote:
Then you can use plugins like project.vim or local_vimrc.vim
With local_vimrc.vim (I know 2 very similar plugins with this name, I'm
maintaining one of them), add a _vimrc_local.vim (the filename expected

I couldn't find them.. I've implemented something similar which loads a
current working directory vimrc but saves it in .vim/vimrcs/ .. using a
simple hash function which just removes the / \\ characters ;)

Another option would be to use autocommands.. instead of modlines

au pathtoproject *.c set ft=c89
Which is used by project plugins anyway.. This way you can't forget to
add the modline..


Don't forget the event name in the ":autocmd" command.

Typical events for filetype detection are BufRead,BufNewFile and maybe BufFilePost. (Look them up.)

Or else you could rely on the standard filetype detection:

        :au Filetype c nested
                \ if expand("<afile>:p") =~ "^/path/to/project/"
                \ !     set ft=c89

You would of course have to write scripts to handle you new "c89" filetype: one or more of


(Replace $VIM/vimfiles by $HOME/.vim on Unix or $HOME/vimfiles on Windows to restrict them to one user only.) You may include the existing c.vim scripts which will supposedly provide most of the functionality: look at how the cpp.vim plugins do it.

Best regards,

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