"Yakov Lerner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> 1. Check your env. var. $VIMINIT.
> If VIMINIT is set, vim will skip ~/.vimrc

It shows blank so not set, and I've posted the output of 
 : echo $MYVIMRC
So it is appartently being sourced.

I'm starting to think its something inside of .vimrc.  And that
appears to be the case.   Maybe something new in versoin 7 has a
problem with my old sloppy vimrc.

I've created this .vimrc:

  set nocompatible      " Use Vim defaults (much better!)
  set bs=2              " allow backspacing over everything in insert mode
  set backup            " keep a backup file
  set viminfo='20,\"100 " read/write a .viminfo file, don't store more
  set history=50                " keep 50 lines of command line history
  set ruler             " show the cursor position all the time

And sure enough it starts as expected with that stuff loaded.  I see
my curor position and line numbers.  So looks like I just need to find
what section is causing the problem and either change or remove it.

> 2.
> Now that you have vim source, you can do this check:
> a. cd vim7/src. Add the printf-getchar line as in patch below, to main.c
> b. make     (don';t do make install)
> c. run ./vim
> d. Do you get this message that I get when you run './vim' ?
>          before sourcing .vimrc($HOME/.vimrc). Press Enter.
> Yakov


Your patch won't fly as a patch maybe something got wrapped or

 patch main.c main.c.patch
  patching file main.c
  patch: **** malformed patch at line 8: getchar();

But after applying it by hand:

(in src/)
before sourcing .vimrc($HOME/.vimrc). Press Enter.

After pressing enter vim starts.. 

What were we looking for here?

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