"A.J.Mechelynck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> Am I wrong in thinking calling `:so ~/.vimrc' should not change anything?
> Maybe it's time you put all your ":hi" commands into a separate colour
> scheme (a script in ~/.vim/colors). I am attaching, as a simple
> easy-to-understand example, the "almost-default" colorscheme I use in
> the GUI.
> Once you have written your own colorscheme, let's say
> ~/.vim/colors/reader.vim, invoke it by ":colorscheme reader".

Again... thanks for the time you've put into this thread.  One thing
about the above approach is that it represents more junk to haul
around from machine to machine.  If you work remotely often like I do.

Is there something in vim similar to emacs where you can just say
`dark background' or `light bg' and get a default setup that is not

I'm not all that picky about the syntax hilight colors only that I
really don't like dark blue on a black xterm.  It seems to disappear
to me.  There are a few other colors that don't work well on a black
xterm too but mostly some sensible dark background default would
probably be fine.

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