That's it ...

Thanks very much !

On 6/29/06, Tim Chase <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How is it possible, using GVIM, to forbid Windows executing commands
> destinated to VIM?
> e.g CTRL-V (Virtual select) is interpreted as "Paste" by MS. CTRL-A as
> "select all", ...
> How can I disable this, and retrieve unix-like behaviour in my gvim ?

Likely your vimrc is directly or indirectly sourcing mswin.vim
and to remedy the matter, just edit your vimrc file and remove
the line that reads something like

        runtime mswin.vim


        source mswin.vim

Nuke the line, and you should be good to go.

It might be slurped in indirectly via the example_vimrc.vim file,
in which case you'll want to nuke/modify that instead.


Marc Demlenne

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