I used to use RH9 and was VERY happy with three features of vim (6.1.320)
1) almost everything was syntax highlighted, including, for example, httpd.conf.
2) when i edited a file, vim remembered the last position I was at
3) the help worked

Having moved to Centos-4 (RHEL) (vim 6.3.046) none of these work any more.

I do get some syntax highlighting - for example of .cpp files - but
.conf files etc don't get highlighted anymore, and no file positions
are remembered.

When I try to use help I get something like

     "quickref.txt.gz" [readonly][noeol] 83L, 20610C
     E434: Can't find tag pattern

then quickref.txt.gz is loaded binary.

I've tried to find the cause myself by comparing the vimrc files etc,
and by searching google, but not found any answers.  I even found and
installed v7 (from the rpm at
http://www.karan.org/blog/index.php/2006/05/10/p139) but this gives
exactly the same issues.

I have the following vim packages installed:
vim-common.i386                          2:7.0.000-2.el4.kb     installed
vim-enhanced.i386                        2:7.0.000-2.el4.kb     installed
vim-minimal.i386                         2:7.0.000-2.el4.kb     installed

Any ideas?



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