"A.J.Mechelynck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > [...]
> > The .vimrc is not suited to buffer-local definitions. One of the best
> solution,
> > IMHO, is to have a ftplugin, dedicated to settings and options, that
> overides
> > default settings.
> > When the definitions come from a "standard" ftplugin, just drop the
> > configuration ftplugin into ~/.vim (/ $HOME/vimfiles).
> > -> ~/.vim/ftplugin/ada/ada_config.vim
> >        nno <buffer> SomeKeyComboHere <Plug>JumpToTag_ada
> probably in ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/ada.vim (see ":help after-directory")
> for small tweaks not requiring a full aye-to-zed rewrite of the whole
> ftplugin.

In that particular case [*], not using the after sub-hierarchy avoids the
mapping to the default key-binding.

[*] when there is a <Plug>Something, and that its definition is protected with
hasmapto() as Charles suggested.

Luc Hermitte

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