
Charles E Campbell Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [...]
> the plugin should be using:  (untested, as I don't use Ada myself)
>     if !hasmapto('<Plug>JumpToTag_ada')
>      nno <unique> <buffer> <c-]> <Plug>JumpToTag_ada
>     endif
>     nmap <silent> <script> <Plug>JumpToTag_ada :call JumpToTag_ada('')<cr>
> With the hasmapto() method, you could retain functionality by mapping
> whatever key combo you like to the the <Plug>JumpToTag_ada by putting
>   nno <buffer> SomeKeyComboHere <Plug>JumpToTag_ada
> in your <.vimrc> file.

The .vimrc is not suited to buffer-local definitions. One of the best solution,
IMHO, is to have a ftplugin, dedicated to settings and options, that overides
default settings.
When the definitions come from a "standard" ftplugin, just drop the
configuration ftplugin into ~/.vim (/ $HOME/vimfiles).
-> ~/.vim/ftplugin/ada/ada_config.vim
       nno <buffer> SomeKeyComboHere <Plug>JumpToTag_ada

Luc Hermitte

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