On Mon, Jul 24, 2006 at 11:38:30PM EDT, A.J.Mechelynck wrote:
> >>
> >.. with all the goings-on in this thread I never had a chance to
> >mention the fact that I do not use gvim. I try to do everything in a
> >terminal (under gnu/screen) because text-mode apps were designed for
> >the keyboard so they work a lot better than gui's for those of us who
> >prefer not to use mice.
> Gvim can use keyboard commands just like console Vim, 

.. that's where I disagree.. either you stick with Vim commands and
":commands" and you don't need the gui.. or you you have to have a
mouse for company and you belong in Notepad hell. :-)

Of course you can use the keyboard to navigate most modern gui's..
kinda works.. But, any routine action will always be not only
considerably slower in a gui than a terminal-based app but *also*
requires a lot more cycles of you own personal cpu, thus distracting you
from what you are doing.  Now why would I put up with that ugly GTK
clutter that I never use when I can use a nice streamlined interface
that does not distract me from what I am doing?

I *much* prefer something simple like the bluez.vim color scheme that I
have slightly modified for my own use.


FYI - it took me more than five years before I began to suspect that
there had to be a better way to interface with the machine.. than the
gui, that is. Sure.. with non-gui stuff there is a learning curve.. but
as soon as you're over the top.. gee.. now I'm in heaven..

> or mice-addicted 
> people can use that too. It has a lot more different coulours (typically 
> 16 million rather than 16) 

good point.  A 256-color terminal is IMHO an absolute necessity. I
don't think more than that is any use in text-mode apps, though. 

> and it can change fonts on-the-fly (change 
> the font from Courier to Lucida to whatever, only through Vim keyboard 
> commands). 

I would never want do that.. but just out of curiosity.. why would that
not be possible in an xterm?

> It can do "real" boldface and italics, as well as straight or 
> curly underlining. 

That would be for highlighting stuff, right? So the same functionality
can be achieved with colors.  And in a more pleasing manner IMHO.. the
color schemes that I have seen that use italics have not convinced me.

> And it can use Unicode: see further down.
> >
> >> :echo has("multi_byte")
> >>
> >>the answer should be 1. If it is zero, your version of gvim cannot
> >>handle UTF-8.
> >>
> >Works fine if I switch my locale to UTF-8.  Vim automatically figures
> >what I want and :dig displays the "o dans l'e" (both the lower and upper
> >case versions) among a gazillon other digraphs. Then I can use the
> >ususal Ctrl-K oe .. save the file.. pass this on to LaTeX and provided I
> >have the correct LaTeX statements to activate UTF-8 (that's what took
> >forever to figure out the other day..) I get my "coeurs", "voeux" and
> >"boeufs" rendered correctly in xdvi/gv .. *and* the the ensuing
> >printout looks great too.
> >
> >The problem with this is that I haven't found a comfortable way to
> >run Vim in UTF-8 mode and the rest of my stuff in 8-bit mode.
> Well, in an xterm (or konsole, or Windows Dos Box), console Vim is 
> dependent on xhatever charset the console is using. If you xterm (or 
> whatever) is in Latin1, you cannot use French oe anymore than you can 
> use Cyrillic or Greek. Gvim, on the other hand, can display anything for 
> which you have a glyph in a font.

hmm.. looks like with terminals you need to be 100% UTF-8.. locale..
font.. terminal.. vim encoding.. for it to work.


The silly sample text I wrote while practicing LaTeX clearly has
problems with the "o dans l'e" rendered as a ½ (latin9 encoding).. 

garbled words are "coeur" and "oeufs"..

This is with a latin9 encoding.. If I switch to utf8 all the accented
letters are displayed as <e0> .. <e9> .. etc.  

I'll have to bounce my X session some time tomorrow and switch back my
locale to UTF-8 fire up X and a uxterm and see what happens.

Where would I switch to UTF-8 in gvim..  Couldn't find the option in
the menus..  Maybe it just isn't there because my X session's locale is
set to en_US?

Ah shoot.. I had promised myself I wouldn't let myself be dragged into
another UTF-8 wild goose chase.. it's now past 2 A.M. .. and guess what
I'm doing.. 


> So what is Unicode and what is UTF-8.
> Unicode is a system to allow using *together* all writing systems known 
> to man. That's a lot. A "character space" with over 1 billion slots has 
> been set apart for all those characters.
> Unicode is also a number of 'encodings' -- manners to represent that 
> data in memory or on a storage medium. The simplest of these encodings 
> is UTF-32 (aka UCS-4): use 32 bits for each characters, in the 
> endianness of your machine. The most economical is usually UTF-8, which 
> uses between one and four bytes per character; also, it represents 7-bit 
> ASCII identically as ASCII; characters 128-255 of the Latin1 encoding 
> have the same ordinal position in the scheme but are represented by two 
> bytes each. Also, of the 3 principal Unicode encodings, UTF-8 is the 
> only one which isn't subdivided into "big-endian" and "little-endian" 
> varieties. There is no risk of out-of-phase errors, because of the 
> allotment of the bytes: 0-0x7F are single-byte characters, 0x80-0xBF are 
> "trailing bytes" (any byte except the first in a multi-byte character), 
> 0xC0-0xFF are "header bytes" (the first byte in a multibyte character) 
> and in addition, the header byte specifies how long the sequence is.
> Vim can translate back and forth between Unicode and any other charset 
> quite easily, so (in gvim, or in Vim running in a Unicode terminal) you 
> may set 'encoding' to utf-8 and use ":setlocal fileencoding=latin1" for 
> Western Europe, ":setlocal fileencoding=sjis" for Japanese, etc., on a 
> file-by-file basis. All those files can coexist in a single instance of 
> gvim.

ok.. that's the crucial part.. this would work in a unicode terminal.. 

and it does..!


.. what happened was that the other stuff I was looking at was running
in my regular non-unicode xterm/screen.. I had completely forgotten
about this other Vim session.. that's why I don't like having all these
windows all over the place.. When it's three in the morning or
thereabout and you  need some sleep.. that's when you need a simple
streamlined environment..!
> By using ":setlocal bomb" on a Unicode file, you can place at its 
> beginning the codepoint U+FEFF ZERO-WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE which is then 
> used by other programs (or by Vim itself) to identify the fact that this 
> file is in Unicode, and in which particular Unicode encoding and endianness.

.. tomorrow.. :-)

I did do it on my unicode test file.. saved it somewhere.. read it in
my non-unicode Vim session.. and it's a total mess.. but very different
from the mess with the <e0> .. etc. I mentioned earlier.. 

So this should help clarify the issue.
> For more details, see
>   :help mbyte.txt
>   http://vim.sourceforge.net/tips/tip.php?tip_id=246
>   section 37 (last) of the Vim FAQ 
> http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/vimfaq.html
>   http://www.unicode.org/
>   http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/unicode.html
Ah.. heck.. the other urgent stuff can wait.. I'll have to look at this




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